Post what you looking for and please tell if your good at crucible.
Very good, good, average, not bad, bad, or sucks.
Post your PSN your level what you need
Add me if your good in crucible im looking for good ones im trying to do flawless run.
Im playing trials right now so add me if you are good
Psn: katok047
Pvp: very good
Looking for two great crucible with a 1.5 kd for toO lol 34s only
I'm almost always on trials and enjoy it, have gone flawless 8 times. I'm mostly looking to recruit for my clan "Practice Only When Needed" all are welcome and I'll try to help any clan member in their game
Need two more to go for flawless on trials. Must be 34 Have good/decent guns Mic is preferred but not required
Need two 33+ for ToO. Please be experienced. Comment with psn and I'll add you.
Added do you want to join now?
Need 1 more for trials flawless Be 34 experienced in pvp Mic preferred
Need 2 34s for ToO add me straytdoggy19
Need two for trials gt:youngknight8-2
Need 2 good people to do trials with I really want to go flawless. I'm a 34 hunter with 365 weapons add psn above
Edited by ReclaimedDead: 6/5/2015 7:15:14 PMAdd me RRPNARUTOUZIMAKY. EXPERT on skolas and will help anyone that helps me go flawless on ToO
Looking for a group 4 trials lvl 34 hunter
34 hunter also add me down to help anything, psn /\
Im Goon flawless 3 Times'
Looking for 2 players I'm a 34 hunter Psn w1nt3r-s0ldi3r Crucible. Good
Need one more person for trials. We're going for lighthouse again. PSN: roundyboys
Looking for a team of 34's with good weapons to go flawless with! Plz reply with username to join, slender-killer_1 (me) will send a request and we will go from there! I need 2! No mic needed, just stay coordinated.
Need 1 for trials, if u have mic and don't suck add TESTEYCOOL
I need 2 lvl 34 who have gone flawless at least once and have maxed weapons no duh add gster515
34 warlock skilled very experienced guardian looking to get a flawless (Lighthouse Mercury) PSN: classicmatt_
Edited by Thunderswagg89: 6/5/2015 6:18:08 PMNeed 1 for trails. I'm lvl 34 warlock. Add thunderswagg89
Edited by DannyDBull: 6/5/2015 6:13:45 PMIm looking to join for trials-34 warlock
Me and a friend both lvl 34 and pretty good in crucible are looking for one more lvl 34 to go on a flawless win streak in trials add Stunnagibbs or comment to be added
Lf 2 for trial, I'm 34 striker, have went flawess 4 times , if u suck don't add me, would like 2 go flawless but just looking for 9 wins
Need one for trials be good 34 and experienced please Have a mic We are not going for flawless just for the gold tier
Looking for 2 lvl 34 to go flawless plz have maxed weapons or close add me gster515 oh and be good at pvp
Lf 1 for trials 34 only preferred to have gone flawless once