Post what you looking for and please tell if your good at crucible.
Very good, good, average, not bad, bad, or sucks.
Post your PSN your level what you need
Add me if your good in crucible im looking for good ones im trying to do flawless run.
Im playing trials right now so add me if you are good
Psn: katok047
Pvp: very good
Looking for one more for POE 32 add tamsinwood
34 Warlock Self Res and Purifer Robes. Experienced and plan to go flawless. My gamertag is Jurassic Mann
looking to do nightfall? add---->big_boy-_-63
Not the best but solid Pvper LF1M to trials. 34 w/ Mic required. High level of pvp experience ideal.
Need a team for 32 poe
I jus wanna get a few wins in trials add me lv 34 titan
Need 2 for flawless i have experience better pull your own weight and know how to play dont bother if your not that good at crucible im done with carrying
Looking to Do ToO! Im a Level 33 Warlock! Looking to get At Least Five Wins! Im on PS3 And My PSN is the Same as my username on this! Add me If you Are Interested! Also I have no Mic But If you Have Skype Thats Fine To! :)
Edited by GOD OF AWE: 6/5/2015 9:07:48 PMNeed 1 player to help me go flawless in trials. I'm a level 33 warlock sunsinger. Be experienced or have gone 9-0 before, thanks. Put your PSN below and I'll add you.
I need two real good players in trials. Going flawless run add me psn katok047 if ur not good dont add me
LF2M to Trials, 34 w/ mic required. Please have a high level of PvP expertise.
LF1M to Trials, 34 w/ mic required. Please have a high level of PvP expertise.
33 hunter with mic and exp looking for ToE group. Add Yarrnn
Level 33 Hunter looking to be carried on Trials. I am terrible at Crucible and just need those 5 wins. If you're decent @ Trials and you don't mind helping out... add DJWESB. I can help with Raids or PvE in exchange.
Need One Good Person for Trials . add Marksofresh .
Edited by watchtower2020: 6/5/2015 9:40:10 PMTitan + 1 kd looking for trials happy to get first timers need mic and op weapon gtg msg me Mic now working
Lvl 32 warlock maxed out galijhorn looking for two to play Poe lvl 32 difficulty I'm very skilled I have two other 34s I know the strategy well for beating the boss add turtlemafia7 if intrested
Need 1 for trials add me or drop name
Need 2 players who have gone flawless before Add FaDe_Nelly I'm a striker Titan with thorn and efridites /felwinters
Edited by GOD OF AWE: 6/5/2015 8:30:48 PMNeed 2 players to help me go flawless in trials. I'm a level 33 warlock sunsinger can handle myself in crucible. Be experienced or have gone 9-0 before, thanks. Put your PSN below and I'll add you.
Need one more good pvp player for Trials don't lie I will be checking your KD let me know your set up below, guarantee to go flawless
Level 32 Titan defender or striker looking to join a team. Usually good at pvp, best score of 10100 in crucible and max 45 kills. Welcome to check! Add me: iEssArrAy
Need two more good pvp players. Have mic and be 34. Psn: Qwaizy
Looking for people to have a flawless run must be level 34 with experience and good weapons add stunnagibbs or comment to be added
Need one lv34 for trials of Osiris. Be ready to go. Add Starlight-Savior
Looking for two great crucible with a 1.5 kd for toO lol 34s only