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Edited by 8Babies13: 5/11/2015 12:06:18 AM

Are you satisfied with the size of your vault?

So... vault space. Are we really expected to do raids for raid gear, find exotics, and now be upgrading old legendaries and rerolling the new ones all in our tiny vaults? I mean, I know I'm not the only one that filled the vault immediately after the last patch and that was just by making some room on my characters so they could pick up the odd engram. I still have sh*t in my postmaster I don't want to grab because I'd immediately be out of room. Are they trying to make app transfers so easy that we should only keep one of each gun? We've got a new dlc coming with a host of new gear. Where are we going to put it? Should I just junk guns that have some much speculation and potential around them like the Khostov, or the stranger's rifle; only to be told in an upcoming patch that those guns will be made into leg/exo? Just like all the old 300 guns we can now ascend through their terrible new plan for endgame. I've seen all the comments from people wishing they didn't trash their shadow price or fatebringer or whatever. This doesn't make any goddamn sense. Now I know, they blame last gen for it. They say they can't make it bigger. But then they turn around and say keep all your old gear? WTF People are also saying this could be an issue for PoE, having to constantly switch guns and damage types for modifiers. That's why my characters run full already! To be prepared for the sh*t! But if I were to only have one of each gun, I couldn't do that. Or every time I wanted to play the game I'd have to spend 20 minutes swapping loadouts from one character to another. How are YOU handling all the gear and planning for the future? I sure as hell don't know what to do at this point. -EDIT- To those wanting a poll, you can't edit in a poll. Polls are always biased anyways, and I for one prefer actual conversation over faceless votes.

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  • Bump

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  • No, ABSOLUTELY!!! I need more space for all the incoming stuff!

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  • Sorry about the length of that post BtW-But it they just did 2 pages-1st being All Weapons say even just 60/72Slots..Then the 2nd Page is Armor+inventory items, again 60? Or so slots. IM0-itll be enough for sure & give us breathing room..that is until HoW LoL and we'll be back here asking for more Hah

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  • I violated the [url=/en/View/bungie/conduct]Code of Conduct[/url] and was met with Ninja Justice.

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  • Ya, definitely need more&thats with me taking stuff out and putting it onto my Alts as I switch Characters.Guns-I Definitely need more space, and that's after dismantling90% of any Legndry Guns I get now..The4Primary guns on CE on each alt=12 alone+Exotics n all other Guns from b4(VoG,iB Ect)-same for 2nd w/iB,Pat&Time on them,with a void&non Exotic Solar/Arc Sniper.. add in 2/3Shottys(Solar,Arc,Void) its just if they keep adding new guns+most of us N0W have multi of Exotic Bounty guns&ur left having a headache tryin2get2the guns u want to finish upgrading.

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  • I'm one of the few who has run out of room for armor. My problem is that I like the looks of some of the common, uncommon, and rare armor enough that I hate to give it up, but I want to have the exotic armor and legendaries with good perks and stat boosts. When it comes to general inventory, Bungie could help the situation a lot if they removed the arbitrary cap from stacks of ammo packs and harvest items (Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom, Relic Iron). If we can store hundreds of thousands of weapon parts in a stack, why is a stack of ammo packs capped at 20? Makes no sense to me.

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  • No. Remember how many Pokemon you could store? That's what I want

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    10 Replies
    • I'm fine with the vault space but it can better, armor slots are useless, maybe add pages or don't split the vault in categories

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    • Edited by Acerx999: 5/11/2015 1:37:42 AM

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    • Definitely need more space. A lot more.

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    • If you have anything that you don't want to lose with the postmaster, I recommend taking it. I lost a Gjallarhorn for keeping it there

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      3 Replies
      • Yeah I've been wondering about this... Why not just have 3 pages: one for weapons, one for armour, and one for misc items, it can't be that bad... Can it?

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      • Edited by A Cheese Potato: 5/11/2015 12:30:00 AM
        At the moment; Weapons - Yes Armour - Definitely not General - Tolerable but could be better When HoW comes out? Hah no way, not enough room for all those goodies plus keeping old gear through ascension

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      • Edited by NathanW18: 5/11/2015 12:34:13 AM
        Nope. It's an improvement, but still not where I want it to be. There is not enough space to keep all of the 'important' drops. Don't bother giving us a variety of cool guns if we can't store them all.

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      • Nope, not at all. Mines still full! And I even deleted a lot of legendary weapons I was collecting!!! And being I can bring my favorite old weapons up to par with the new ones, plus just new weapons in general!!! ToO weapons and armor, Queens weapons and armor, PoE weapons and armor, New Vanguard, Crucible, Dead Oribt, New Monarchy, and Future War Cult gear that can all be ascended?!?!?!!?! My vault is going to be overflowing worse than before the vault size was increased!!! P.S. I already keep 3-6 weapons of each type between my three characters.

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      • LAWL, with all the new stuff coming out my old weapons won't be obsolete, The only bad thing is that If their not obsolete my vault will be crushed by the overwhelming weapons I love. We need more space

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      • No, I need more space and I'd really like a way to save all my shaders without sacrificing more useful items.

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      • Nope, i need way more space, especially since HoW is coming, and now we can ascend gear

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      • It's all because of the old gen consoles.

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      • Yes

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      • My vault space is full already. I need more room

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        1 Reply
        • There are 3 vaults in the tower. I wish they would make each one separate.

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          • Ha no. I filled mine up within an hour of bungie upgrading it. They need to add another page to each section or at the very least increase the amount of items each character can hold.

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            1 Reply
            • While I have multiple copies of certain weapons I'll never have to vault again, 3 mythos, 3 horns, 3 icebreakers, Hammers, Swordbreakers, etc, there still isn't much room. Every exotic weapon plus every VoG and CE raid weapon plus a set of IB weapons. Just doesn't work even when each character is carrying a moderate amount. My other concern is ships and shaders. Why do these take up vault space? Just make an unlimited collectable tab and we'll fill in the blanks.

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            • I have about 50 exotic weapons so no

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            • It was nice but I'm running out again haha

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