Please be smarter than me and spend your money on something else because I cant hit anything with this pos.
My favorite weapon in the game for PVP is TLW. Based on TDYDs stats (high rate of fire/stability) I thought it could be a decent backup for when I wanted an exotic special or heavy. However, it seems like this is one of the most inaccurate guns of any class I have used, its literally losing gun fights for me. I didn't realize the Clown Cartridge perk only grants ONE extra bullet IF it procs, and at a base mag of 5 rounds, this isn't a significant difference.
I feel terrible when I think about other people spending their marks/commendations on this gun so do me a favor and don't.
TLDR : don't buy TDYD hand cannon
edit: guess this thread is obsolete now with the expansion comin out tomorrow, thx for everyone's input. ;)
Seems to me u all suck ha ha, I bought the vendor one and think it's amazing. If u can't drop someone in 5 rounds with a handcannon then you must be shit. And the fact that it has mega fast reload doesn't make a difference to me. You just pop in and out of cover if need be. People who moan about it are clearly rubbish crucible players who think the last word is the best handcannon on the game. When in reality it's rubbish, the best handcannin is the thorn by a mile. And if anyone needs me to prove it I'm on the 360 goon3r1985.