Play Destiny like the entertainment it is and was designed to be.
That's it.
Ease off on spending time on the boards and Tube vids. Cheats, whines, and hate is bountiful in life without searching it out.
Might as well just shoot some shit with some buds until the clock/mom/wife/sun tells you it is time to grind through the real world.
Just some well wishing from a greying gamer.
U know what,I'm gonna text this so everyone can see that I rate this game 10/10! And I don't give a shit if everyone thinks otherwise,because there is thousands of haters for this game,so I'm gonna say this... People say they can't stand that the creators are making lots of money on this game sense u have to buy the DLC's well I think that's good for them! So what if I spend at least 80 bucks It's not like that's my full celery for the year! And so many people think that the game sucks because it only an [b]online[/b] game, well bro? It's not like u buy it just to look at the cover! If u don't have XB live or whatever they have for P station DONT BUY IT! It's like buying a game for connect on XB with out the connect set! Y buy it!?! Sincerely yours, MinerTT3