originally posted in:Lincolns Log Cabin
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Black Hammer is to OP against bosses! I think Bungie should lower Black hammers clip size to 2. Maybe raise the impact a bit to balance that.All of the perks are just fine, though. Don't change those.
Edit: I called my Ninja friend.
Edit: Please play nice.
Edit:Looks like you're all banned.
Edit: "You have no rights"
Edit: This thread has been put into a safe lock. This mean your reports do absolutely nothing.
Edit: Tweet Deej all you want. We go fishing.
What a sad life the OP must live to get entertainment out of such petty things. My last comment didn't violate the code of conduct, and if it did then every thread in this sub forum should be closed because clearly we aren't allowed to say anything. I guess that's expected on here, look how the game turned out. #striptheninjaofhispowerwhoisabusingitovernothing #didntknowtheygaveninjastatustochildren #atleastthesehashtagswillgivethemsomethingtoactuallyninja