I have a "Vanguard Missive" that can NOT be turned into Xander. I have 3 active currently. I am on the "Unstable Prototype Fusion Rifle Frame" Step of one. The "A Pleased Machine Gun Frame" of another. Also the "Darkness-Infused Pulse Rifle" step of one final one. So that leaves with one of those delightful ( ! ) prompts above Xander's head. Can I only carry three active ones? Or is this a bug, and I'm screwed? If so can I pick it up again if I abandon it? Can I store it? Because if not that is horrible. Why in the world would you not allow us to carry more bounties with Iron Banner active especially? I do ALL of my bounties everyday, so what is the best way of handling all of these Exotic bounties? Seriously, it is incredibly frustrating.
Anybody have the same issue, or can someone give me some concrete proof that I can only carry a certain number?