And how blaming dare ANYONE out there make fun of TripleWreck after all he has been through! He loves his aunt, she went through a divorce! He had two blamming kids her husband turned out to be...a user and a cheater and now she's going through a custody medal...ALL YOU PEOPLE CARE ABOUT IS...readers and people making fun of his "go kill yourself" comment...HES A HUMAN!!!! What you don't realize is that TripleWreck making you all this money and all you do is write a bunch of CRAP about him. He hasn't performed on Twitch in years...his video is called "Give me more for a reason" because all you people want is MORE MORE MORE MONEY!!! Your lucky she even performed for you BASTAR! LEAVE TRIPLEWREK ALON!!! Plese...someone talked aboutprofessionalism and said triplwreck was a profesional he wouldve pulld it off no matter what...speakign of profssionalism when is it professional to pubicly BASH SOMEONE who is going throgh all his time! LAEVE TRPLEWRCK ALONE!!!! PLEASE...leave triplewreck alone right NOW! I mean it! Anyone who has a problem with tripleshrek you deal with me! Because he's not well write now. Leave him alone.
Build a time machine. Go back to when Bitcoins were just introduced in 2010. Covert all of the money to bit coins. Go back to 2015. The original investment has quadrupled and I exchange the Bitcoins for real currency. Buy the Internet. Bail out every major country. Pay off the Illuminati to leave Murica alone. Pay the GIGN to assassinate everymember of every secret society. Buy my way into U.S Presidency. Build a 50 concrete wall between Mexico and America. Pay a group of scientists to create Power Armour and Liberty Prime. Exterminate Russia and China for being Communists,using Liberty Prime. Pay a group of medical professionals to increase the Human Life span to 300 years and research cures for most diseases. Give everyone in Murica free Internet and Gaming PC's. Buy out Activision. Destroy Activision and end COD. Return Bungie to its Golden Age. Buy out EA. Kill EA. Give everyone on free power armor and Jet packs. /thread