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Hey everyone! Happy Reset! New week for some new loot! Please take a moment and fill out the rewards poll below:
[url=]Week 33 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
If you would like to see the results of the research so far, you can find it [url=]here[/url]
Thank you again for everyone that has participated!
11 strange coins, judgment VI and ascendant shards
Hunter Run: Helm of Inmost Light (Really? Not even better than the one I had? Transferred over to Titan, then sharded.) Warlock Run: Apotheosis Veil (Again, not better than the one I had. Immediately sharded.) Titan Run: FOR THE THIRD WEEK IN A ROW, STRANGE COINS! What is with this guy and his coins? Has he been talking with Scrooge McDuck or something? Oh well. Hope everyone else had better luck than I did!
You don't have enough up votes for all this work you have done.
Titan....Monte Carlo
Warlock - LDR 5001 Void Titan - Patience & Time Hunter - Doing it tonight
Week 6 in a row i haven't looted an exotic from Nightfall :/
Red hand w decent perks, leg pulse rifle (forget name), and 8 ascended energy. What do u guys think of red hand when comparing to word of crota or fatebringer?
Only done one so far and got a Crypt Dweller scout rifle with crap perks = ascendant energy.
Edited by Dog_Of_War_1138: 4/22/2015 4:26:51 PM-Starfire Protocol with superior stats to the one I already had (155 Int unleveled, the one I had maxed at 157, so the old one is shards- no fear, I hadn't maxed it yet) -ATS/8 Arachnid with stats that weren't different enough to be worth leveling up, compared to the maxed-out one I already have- exotic shard -Coiled Hiss 1919 with Feeding Frenzy, Perfect Balance on the middle perk tree, and Crowd Control- I'm going to level it up and see how it works in Crucible. Might be the last weapon from this generation that I keep. Unless I get another Vanquisher somewhere, somehow. Good week.
1) my 5th P&T 2) 10 coins
11 coins up for anything prudence ii
It was my best run yet. I ran it with my Titan and got Hard Light and blue engram for the drop. During the run I picked up a purple engram and several blues. When I got back to the tower I had a message with the postbot and it was a purple special weapon engram. I go to decrypt my engrams and pulled an Armamentarium. I throw a couple more blues then popped a purple ship then I throw my purple engrams and pulled a star fire protocol. Hell of a run for me it was!
I don't mind when I get legendary weapons from the Nightfall,....but, a Payback SOS?!? WTF? Its a bullet hose.
12 ascendant energy solo run 9 ascendant shards 12 strange coins Go f yourself bungie
Titan- 11 Ascendant Energy
Titan- some faction rocket with a bad roll Hunter- 11 strange coins
Titan - Ruin Wings
Warlock- ruin wings Titan- three little words Hunter- Suros Rigime Not bad, have all these though ;/
Trash and more trash
The Chosen FWC sniper w void Plan C Suros Regime
I got Don't Touch Me, an exotic Titan chest and another Gally. Too bad I already had everything :(
Titan-thunderlord Hunter-ldr Warlock not done yet
Final rest fusion rifle same as last week 12 strange coins, I have 120+ now Crash shotgun, just like two weeks ago
Exo Hunter: Gjallarhorn Fallen Hunter: Killed by a Hobgoblin. Decided it was bedtime.
Titan: Armentarium exotic chest piece Hunter: Dance legs exotic feet Warlock: Pending
8 energies The Crash (FWC SG) Judgment VI (NM SG)