Done it 6 times (3 Nightfall, 3 Weekly) with atleast one person up there each time and I never encountered that problem man, you sure you werent just bugging out?
No, it is bugged, my son perched upon pride rock sniping while me and another stayed below by the bridge where the Hobgobblins spawned and had no problems. If all 3 players stay on the rock it will trigger the glitch.
Well then you didnt say that the first time, if atleast one of your fireteam isnt on the lower area by the second wave it is known to treat your positioning as a despawn of sorts.
Didn't risk it a second time but a bunch of people have had the exact same thing happen and Bungie tweeted about it so I don't think it was just my game but I can't rule it out I was also solo so no one was down below. Apparently if you are in a Fireteam and at least one person is down then there are usually no issues.