So apparently Bungie tried to patch the Archon Priest Strike in 1.1.2 without telling anyone and did it poorly. You can no longer snipe from above the Vex Waves spawn half way through the strike at all without risk of breaking the whole strike. I had read that you couldn't use the highest rock anymore so I wasn't even that far away. I was sniping from where you shoot the 4 goblins right when you first enter the area. I made it to the second wave just fine and then everything de-spawned and I had to go re-engage the door. [b]After killing the first wave a second time nothing else spawned and I couldn't re-engage the door, I had to just go back to orbit.[/b]
Just trying to make some other people aware so others don't have to waste their time like I did. After some more research a decent way around this is to just leave one enemy and run down there to kill it then sprint back up to the top.
UPDATE: (Thanks beedel): "This is unintentional" per bungie: [url][/url]
Edit - added bold and attempted to clarify what is broken.
I honestly don't see what the problem is I mean yea if the company patch something. It is what it is their nothing really to do just adjust to the surroundings work out a plan and go from their. I would just use the cargo box sitting below that tall rock. And snipe
You seem stressed
Good . Now you pussies can stop hiding in your little rock and join the fight.
Just go get on the ship... It's way safer there anyways I play nightfall only & then go play better games; now that they have thoroughly shown their incompetence I don't know if I'll even be waiting for HoW might just sell this POS just because...
It's not broken it must be only a few people because I've done it post patch and it worked like a charm. Went off without a hitch
What a bunch of horse maneuver yo, this blows, now We have to waste even more time playing on this game for some garbage ass rewards.
Did this guy just say the strike is broken? Lol
Of all the things to worry about and they work on this little insignificant "cheese". On a roc strike im down in the thick of it all, but its near impossible to not get 1 shotted by those stupid hobgoblins during a burn. We can get sniped, but cant snipe back? Screw that.
I did all three characters in about 30 minutes. No problems there
Maybe it's just me but I feel like those enemies are doing more damage than they used to
Edited by weily 페 요테: 4/21/2015 4:32:31 PMWait, so I can't solo the nightfall? Edit: I just got through the three waves by standing in the Ketch. Now onto the Priest.
I have always killed everything from the door. No issue for me.
Just beat the NF and weekly no problems on PS4
Edited by Rodrigo Astroturd: 4/21/2015 3:53:16 PMThis bothers the hell out of me, because I liked hanging out there with my patience and time and shooting goblins in half, and then when I ran out of ammo, I would switch to a shotgun and run down there. I saw nothing wrong with that spot, I have been shot at by the hobgoblins before my team killed them.
IMO, this was a (Intentional or by-accident) result of getting the game environment ready for the HoW DLC. Just like blades will no longer spawn in patrol, and will probably be replaced by HoW type of mini-boss spawning instead...
Leave one target alive and go down and kill him at a closer range and approach the ghost and the next wave will spawn. Repeat until all waves are dead.
Lol just more reason for me to play borderlands. Time to keep leveling my enforcer lol. I only come to go nightfalls usually solo because of everyone leaving the game.....
This guy has 3 level 32's & he's crying? Can't you adapt on the fly or are people always looking for cheese!
Why not snipe from the ship?
Edited by Ross: 4/21/2015 3:52:14 PM
Does anyone go to the ship?
So just out of curiosity how close do you need to be for the strikes to play out normally? I typically play from the closest ledge to the bridge but I'm wondering if this affects the people who sit back on the farthest ledge.
That makes it broken? Lol
I did it earlier and it worked fine for me.
Edited by Gaheris: 4/21/2015 3:48:56 PMI soloed it 3 times today wih 3 different classes. I died once at that part with my warlock, not because of the snipers but because the monsters left alive teleported to where I was even before the 3 waves started. Weird as -blam!-. I think it was just a glitch, needs confirmation. I died 2 times because of the snipers one shotting me with my titans. Played very carefully on my third run and it went fine. Made a flawless run with my hunter. All in all, I just snipe/rocket the 3 waves behind the 2 boxes at the start of the bridge. There is really no need to go beyond that if you play carefully enough. Yes you'll be in the hobgoblins range but you can well deal with them if you crouch and take pot shots.