So apparently Bungie tried to patch the Archon Priest Strike in 1.1.2 without telling anyone and did it poorly. You can no longer snipe from above the Vex Waves spawn half way through the strike at all without risk of breaking the whole strike. I had read that you couldn't use the highest rock anymore so I wasn't even that far away. I was sniping from where you shoot the 4 goblins right when you first enter the area. I made it to the second wave just fine and then everything de-spawned and I had to go re-engage the door. [b]After killing the first wave a second time nothing else spawned and I couldn't re-engage the door, I had to just go back to orbit.[/b]
Just trying to make some other people aware so others don't have to waste their time like I did. After some more research a decent way around this is to just leave one enemy and run down there to kill it then sprint back up to the top.
UPDATE: (Thanks beedel): "This is unintentional" per bungie: [url][/url]
Edit - added bold and attempted to clarify what is broken.
I guess Bungie never heard of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
I didn't have problems with either character and I used a ledge to snipe. I must have been in range since I got nailed by a hobgoblin a couple of times.
Wish I saw this before I went in, thanks anyway though. I nearly did it then the bastard skiff came in and wiped me out
Lol the tears are real today. Triple burn with no lightswitch haha and you're crying about not being able to snipe... boo hoo. I can only imagine how you deal with problems in real life. Pathetic
That's not broken, that's forcing cowards to get off their asses and fight like a real Guardian XD
That's too funny, should make it atleast a little more challenging for the solo guys, even though you've already figured it out
I had no idea people hung out to there.
What's the burn?
Well that doesn't mean it's broke, probably almost punishing you for trying to cheese the strike.
Here is the workaround. I did it 3 times this morning. All you have to do is save 1 trash enemy per round and go down and kill that enemy. This will trigger the correct sequence. You're welcome.
Just go out to the ship after putting dinklebot to work - snipe from there
Just kill everything from the ramp
I did the nightfall and never even noticed! Although i was at the bottom with a bubble and swordbreaker/thunderlord combo. While the others were sniping from the cliffs no problem! The priest was down in about 3 seconds with our gjallys and weapons of light + burn. It was one of the quickest runs iv ever done!
I had no problems across all 3 characters. Crap rewards 22 coins and Sun breakers.
Just find a new rock :P
You just need one player down there.
Bungie does realize that the year just made an awesome glimmer farm, right?
Bungie is lactose intolerant.
This strike seems buggy regardless of it being a Nightfall. About a week ago I was running it just off the ROC list and I was down in the middle of the fight (one other player was up on the rocks... sissy) and we had to do the 1st wave 4 times. LOL.. yep, we'd finish the first wave (after activating the door) and nothing would happen but the radar was pointing to the door so I'd go over and activate with the "little light" ... we'd do the same wave again... and same thing... have to go activate the door again... 1st wave again. I think it might have been because a 3rd player was in the process of joining ... and it did finally progress once they were in but man...really annoying to have to play the same wave over and over.... talk about deja vu!
Is this considered broken...? I'm sick of people hiding behind that stupid rock... Archon priest is not difficult at all... If anything run to the Kell ship Thats where I go if I need to heal or anything...
Have one person on the rock, one on the ketch, and one at either. You get all the angles without danger. Icebreaker for the win.
I just did it 6 times , no problems
Yea this happened to me as well, I ended up just saying closer and was fine, but ill miss mr ledge
You could just face him head on, with all three burns its easy.
I honestly don't see what the problem is I mean yea if the company patch something. It is what it is their nothing really to do just adjust to the surroundings work out a plan and go from their. I would just use the cargo box sitting below that tall rock. And snipe