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Edited by LayOffWilYaGeez: 4/22/2015 2:26:16 PM

One Bad Idea-everyone gets pissed

[quote]Community Focus: The 100 Created by DeeJApr 20 2015 Community Focus: The 100 When you step into the world of Destiny, you need a fellow Guardian to watch your back. When that Fallen Captain is closing in for the kill, is there someone at the ready to deal some Arc damage that will save your life? If the answer is “No,” you might want to join a Clan. Of course, not everyone has the patience and time to court a group of people for an invitation. Thankfully, the community has creative solutions for just about every challenge that confronts a Guardian. For instance, check out this brand of social alchemy… Who are you? To which Faction are you loyal? 100: My name is Mike LaPeter. I'm the creator of You can find me online here or usually lurking in the Destiny subreddit during the day, which I'm a huge fan of. I pledge loyalty to no faction, but living in Portland, if I did I'd have to go with the hipster style of Dead Orbit. Good choice. Personally, I was into Dead Orbit before it was cool. But let’s talk more about you. How do you serve the Destiny community? 100: We basically provide auto-generated clans for Destiny players. You enter your details like your age, your time zone, whether you're a casual or serious player, etc. We then automatically match you with a group of 100 similar players. What's cool about that is you end up with a group of people to play with and it’s easy to find things in common. Most members are incredibly understanding about life challenges like kids/spouses/jobs, which are a lot tougher to navigate than any Raid! People also love that they have the ability to schedule games in advance, so you can look forward to that Saturday Raid all week and know that you have a solid Fireteam locked down. How has this flash-mob style of Clan recruitment worked out? Got any success stories from your community? 100: We match you with people similar to yourself in real life, with the same play style and same age. Instead of a one-off game with strangers, you keep playing with the same people and really get to know them. I think there's no better way to experience great content like the Raids than with a group of friends, and that's what you get when you combine Destiny with The 100. I've even gotten an email of thanks from a Bungie developer who uses the site himself! He's keeping his identity secret though. We’re launching an official investigation to expose them! Not really. Many people on our team use the helpful resources that the community provides. Who are some of the people on your team? 100: Huge thanks to matthewdubya and so many other redditors for supporting the site and helping it grow! The 100 is all about people, and we've been lucky to start with some of the friendliest and fun people on the internet. There's too many awesome groups to list but a few are Echo Company 184, Charlie Company 651, and Echo Company 754. Don't worry if those groups are full, when you sign up at you'll get auto-matched into the perfect group for you. Over the past couple months people have really gotten to know each other; one group was even half serious about setting up a real life meetup! It’s always fun to hang out with friends, no matter how they met. What’s your favorite way to meet up in the game? 100: I freakin' love Vault of Glass. I love the level of immersion and detail in the level and huge range of experiences; it's almost like being in a movie. What I really love, though, is the cooperative aspect of it, and how great all the people I've played with have been. Higher leveled people are totally willing to help out beginners and there's just an incredible sense of camaraderie about the whole thing. I've always found playing games with other people so much more fun than single player stuff. That's the reason I bought Destiny in the first place. I think with Vault of Glass and the game in general, you guys have created the best cooperative gaming experience I've ever played. But it can get better. Right? We always think so. What do you think? 100: I think you guys have totally nailed the fighting mechanics and gunplay and just the feel of everything. I love Destiny's cooperative stuff so much I built a website for it, so it's probably no surprise to say I'd love to see more Raids. Even being a programmer, it's hard for me to imagine how much work it must take to make such a complex experience like a Raid, and I just want to say thanks to all the people making those. I'm really looking forward to what's coming down the line in terms of Raids and new endgame experiences. What do you want to know most about the House of Wolves? 100: I'm really interested in learning more about The Prison of Elders. I love fighting hordes of things in waves, so this sounds right up my alley. I think the competitive aspect will be really cool. I'm really curious how it will work. Will it be endless waves of enemies or will there be a way to beat it? How insanely hard will the later waves be? And of course, how does the loot work? Because that's why we're all here, right? There’s no one answer for why people play Destiny, but loot seems to be high on the list. Spending time with friends is another, so it’s nice to see you leading people toward that experience. If you need friends to play Destiny with, there are literally 100 people who are waiting to make your acquaintance. You have nothing to lose, and only teammates to gain. [/quote] [spoiler]read[/spoiler] [spoiler]read[/spoiler] [spoiler]read[/spoiler] [spoiler]read[/spoiler] [spoiler]read[/spoiler] So you are saying that this can be used as a 3rd party matchmaking system for raids and nightfalls. But the thing is... COULDNT YOU JUST MAKE IT EASIER BY ADDING MATCHMAKING FOR RAIDS AND THE NIGHTFALL? Destiny players spend HOURS of time playing - i think they could beat a raid/strike with randoms- the strikes prolly require communication but other than that... Thoughts?

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  • #feedback #terribleidea #desperate

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    6 Replies
    • Something like 18% of people that play destiny have completed a raid. You add in matchmaking and you will be playing with casuals that don't own mics, no thanks. I play with random players from the forums all the time and its been great. If there was matchmaking I wouldn't use it.

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    • So you can turn on your Xbox tv put destiny and stuff, but you can go on the forums LIKE RIGHT NOW to go to recruitment

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    • Honestly the people who complain of no matchmaking are the ones who are too lazy to help themselves. I'm not saying this because I'm mean, it's just a fact of life and applies to other life problems. There are many people out there friendly enough to help newcomers through. There are also many people who went out and found a clan or go on LFG sites to do raids/nightfalls. Sure they don't always find perfect groups, but they are the ones who prosper with rewards for their efforts. Look at yourself and think, what have I got from just sitting here waiting for matchmaking? The answer is probably very little/nothing. Whilst other guardians out there put in some extra effort and are getting raid weapons/gear. Sure there's the excuse of having a busy lifestyle, but the most successful people still manage to squeeze in the stuff they enjoy into their lives. I'm sure you are one of these successful people. People are way more likely to help others who try and are eager to learn than those who sit there waiting for them. The clever kid in your class who asks questions becomes smarter because he's eager to learn, rather than just being smart because he's born that way. Raids require teamwork and communication when someone does not know what to do (especially VoG). People rarely use the voice chat in strikes because who wants to expose themselves to complete strangers. People are more likely to open up when they've chosen to do things with a group to achieve a common objective. Communication may not be necessary if everyone knows what to do, but for the first timers it's very important to get used to roles and have some guidance. This can only be done with communication which will probably not happen if matchmaking was available. Hopefully this wakes a few people up.

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      4 Replies
      • The second they add matchmaking to raids and NF activities every whiner on this forum is going to be bitching saying "-blam!- you Bungie and Deej, thanks to matchmaking I can't complete a single raid or NF because we keep getting paired with randoms who suck" You know I'm right. Using the third party system isn't matchmaking per se, it allows you to find people and talk/examine before going into the activity. Now, an in game LFG, I could get on board with, but please, no matchmaking for raids or NF.

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        3 Replies
        • No -blam!-ing matchmaking. Why do you asshats keep pushing this horrible idea?

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          2 Replies
          • No why would I want someone to steal my checkpoint they didn't eatn

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