So, this girl rings on your doorbell and asks if you want to buy some donuts.
What do you do?
Close the door because I hate salespeople coming to my door
Remind her that she should have seen the "no soliciting" sign in front of my apartment complex.
Close my door.
Buy donuts...
Got milk?
This isn't dead yet
I'll take all 13.
Give me all your donuts and come in, hurry! *say it very fast*
Since when did I have a doorbell?
Say " I don't want to be fat like you" than *close the door*
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Tell her no thanks and wish her good luck.
I go by Johnny.
Can I get into your ring hole?
I'll take twenty.
Edited by jDee: 7/22/2015 9:22:23 PMWould you like to meet my friend bill cosby?
Ayy baby you wan sum fuk?
Ask why is there snow in the middle of winter.
Edited by U8328438: 7/22/2015 9:08:50 PMAsk her if I tie her to my house if it'll turn into an airship like in up [b]THEN DO IT![/b]
Ask her if she is a man
Buy donuts.
I'm glucose intolerant but I want your other donut wink* wink*
Consider offering her a jacket because she must be freezing but then say nothing because I don't want to give up a jacket and then go back to jacking off
Milk her
Why is she trying to make me fat?