I've been playing a lot of older titles. I haven't been interested too much in recent releases, and I personally [i]need[/i] to play games.
I'm currently playing through Persona 3 FES and Final Fantasy 8. I had just finished Persona Q and I tried Monster Hunter 4, but it was meh.
So, what are you currently playing? How far are you into this playthrough? Is it your first playthrough?
Edited by VII: 4/17/2015 1:33:28 AMMiddle Earth: Shadow of Mordor I've beaten all the story and killed +100 captains. So I'm just running around getting all the collectibles and side missions Destiny: Only on Tuesdays and Fridays. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate I just got this game, I'm not too far into it, but I like it so far. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time Just to relive childhood memories Brink My data and 5 maxed characters were corrupted, I'm slowly building them back As soon as I have a little extra $$$ I'll be getting Bloodborne