Personally I feel autos are the beginner weapon. Solid in all scenarios, they should cater to most users in the beginning of their destiny path. As you grow and discover your own style, you'd pass to either a higher impact but similar type weapon, pulses, a long range precision weapon, scouts, or a high impact close to mid range weapon, for high mobility users, handcannons.
This said, autos should still allow advanced users to keep them as their choice. But the large damage reduction didn't allow this. Specially for exotics. Suros became worse. Hardlight wasn't very good before. Still not very good now. Just normal. Don't have the Monte Carlo.
I think that they got the weapon types a bit wrong. But that's my opinion. I could write tons about this but meh... Why would I? No one listens and the few that reply to most threads just say "-blam!- you, you suck, you noob" etc etc.
im joking i agree, i started off with autos but have moved on to handcannons and scouts. still cant stand pulse rifles though :(
For a second I thought "-blam!- me... " and then I saw the second post. Lol Well, I like one pulse particularly because it's basically an auto rifle as it is. Bad juju. The only thing I don't like about it is that at 24 sized magazine, tier 2 and 3 majors (for example, Wizards, Knights, captains, vandals, minotaurs, hogoblins, etc) of level 30 and above, normally take more than one mag to the head to die, specially the shielded ones like captains which take too long to drop the shield as compared to a handcannon. However, if you pair it up with a good fusion, the thing wrecks man. It has a higher effective range than most autos and its exotic perk is really really good. I'd change the first perk though to a grenadier one or third eye. It would become virtually perfect. I've heard wonders about vogs and Crotas pulses but I haven't had them drop so I dunno for experience. Vendor pulses are still... Meh. I've written before that Bungie confused the weapon types a lot with things like the full auto perk or the impact values and stability values. For example, a pulse rifle is supposed to be a higher caliber rifle (and rifles mean longer ranges than hand guns) that due to the higher caliber bullets have bigger recoils and thus prevent the use of full auto fire which would become impossible to manage. These higher calliber bullets deliver more impact of course. Auto rifles would have full auto fire because they would use smaller calliber bullets which decrease the recoil allowing the full auto fire to be usable. The smaller the calliber the smaller the recoil the higher the stability the lower the impact. The higher impact autos would be low stability ones. In destiny this is not the case. Then you have full auto scouts which essentially become like full auto snipers in most maps. And scouts themselves have a weird place in the game because they have the range but not the impact one would expect of their archetype. Handcannons. Well these, a part from a few unique cases that have high ranges like hawkmoon (which as an exotic should shine in terms of stats), I think serve their archetype almost perfectly. They are better for high mobility players and have a high impact though a significant damage drop out and lack of accuracy at longer ranges due to the small barrel size. The only things I feel are a bit at miss are that they focus too much on precision damage to be effective when I feel they should focus on being a type of weapon that you simply need to care more about hiting the enemy rather than hiting precision shots. Those should fall to the scout user. Other than that I feel handcannons as a general are the most well accomplish type in the game. They do what they are supposed to do. But for the rest I think Bungie made a confusing mishmash of weapon types. On paper it's all good but in reality... Why would one choose a low impact pulse over a low impact auto? There is no real reason to. And then full auto pulses become auto rifles in essence. And high impact autos are scouts with full auto. Etc etc n
I agree, i cant use bad juju for the life of me but oversoul edict is a decent weapon. ive started using VoC in pvp and its amazing, like a slower firing suros in its former glory (providing you land headshots) because it didnt get hit with a nerf
If you give it a chance, you'll see that bad juju is an amazing pve weapon. Really.
ill give it another go, maybe on the warlock with obsidian mind
I use that setup a lot. Mannnn. It wrecks. It's ridiculous. But it's also perfect with a titan with high intellect. Specially if you use defender. If you have ads around, by the time the bubble is about to end you are already ready to put it back up again.