The URL is above to use or just look up Lair of the Wolves! It is a stress free fun clan that is ready to go out and do raids, weeklies, bounties and the crucible without getting crazy angry when someone loses or dies! I want a group of guardians who can laugh at someone dying and have fun when you die as well. I want people to help people, if someone hasn't done a raid before help them out with instructions or tips to improve. We don't do this for a living so why treat it as a stressful job? Join today if you feel the same way!.
We are both Xbox 1. GT the same
My friend and I are looking for a clan that we can consistently raid with weekly. We don't PVP much but willing to gove anything a try once or twice. We are both mature gents with a couple of lvl 32 characters each. Titans of course, also we like to raid 2 normal 2 hard crota weekly but just hard with our clan being mostly from UK, we are also on ET.