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originally posted in: Would you pay for weapons ?
3/16/2015 4:46:59 PM
If a pay for weapons/armor was implemented in Destiny, it would enrage several people that post on this forum (based on it being suggested before). Only way that Bungie/Activision could get away with it, in my opinion, is by paying for content that doesn't directly or indirectly provide an advantage: - ghost shells & voices - sparrow modifications (skins, engine color or sound) - armor skins - weapon skins - emotes - emblems Imagine if part of the proceeds went to non-profit organizations based on designs; from animal rights to shelters...there are hundreds of good causes in the world that need funding, and this would be a chance for people to visually support the organization of their choice, while making Destiny visible to a larger clientele. Basically anything that is eye candy I would perceive as okay; anything that provides an actual advantage in-game for either PvE or PvP would send the message of "They're turning Destiny into Pay to Win! I'm out of here" to a lot of players (in my opinion). Bungie/Activision could perform an in-game poll to verify the Community's thoughts on such a change. What are your thoughts?

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