You know why CoD limited smoke grenades after CoD 2?
Because of me.
That one map with all the backyards... in the northwest part of the map there was a little garden with a tree. in the SE part of the map there was a broken building.
Spawn, throw smoke in broken building. throw smoke towards tree garden... die.
Spawn, throw smoke in building next to tree garden, throw another smoke grenade on the street. Die.
Spawn, throw some more smoke grenades.
Get a friend involved.
Level ends up being completely clambaked the entire game.
Next CoD comes out.... and suddenly the smoke grenade is more like a wispy poof of smoke that last 2 seconds and is gone.... and you can only carry one now. Although, they did up it's usefulness in Blops 2, it went right back to being worthless soon after.
I'm sorry, but I love my smoke grenades and part of the reason I hate CoD is because they nerfed the -blam!- out of the smoke grenades and made them almost completely worthless..
Smoke grenade was pretty good in MW2 >S and D >last alive >1v4 >gotta defuse the bomb >they are all near it >throw smoke grenade >lie down next to bomb site >defuse, no resistance