If you are like me and are always down to help others with their raids send me a msg or leave a comment down below and I am starting a list of active players always willing to help others.Made this for those looking for people to run Hard Raid Crota and never seeming to find one. Dont forget to give this feed a like so that it shows up on the top of board so more can find it.
Just comment down below your:
Character and Level:
Checkpoint Or Fresh:
Weapons needed or Have:
And your experience level for Raid:
Just in case anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 32
Hunter: lvl 32
Warlock: lvl 32
Have max Hunger of Crota working on maxing Gjallarhorn
Clan: Polyphonix [LYNX]
Always Recruiting active and good players for Clan Polyphonix [LYNX] link below:
Edited by Press A To X: 3/13/2015 12:32:13 AMOn Xbox360 and Xbox One GT: SquiggilySpooch Titan, Warlock, Hunter : All 32 Fresh is best :D Have Gjallahorn maxed, hunger of crota maxed, anything that may help honestly Clan: Chaotic Misfitss I am alright in raids. I'm just joking, I'm as good as you want me to be. Every hole is a goal