I've seen the 'floofing about' and 'we taught them to blink' statements on Warlock gear but is there more stuff in the Grimoire? Also, even without the grimoire, I see alot of back and forth between Warlocks and Hunters on a daily basis. Are Warlocks just jealous nerds, are Hunters just stuck up cool kids?
Edit 1: It's funny how the Titans just sit back with popcorn watching all this go down.
Edit 2: I'm seeing claims of sexual tension, very interesting stuff!
Edit 3 - You gotta admit, 'Floof' is a very funny word
Edit 4 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 5 - Uhm, is this thread going out of control?
Edit 6 - So, claims of Hunters hopping around like bunnies are pretty funny.
Edit 7 - So many replies!! Thanks.
Edit 8 - So Warlocks floof and Hunters bunny hop....
Edit 9 - MalPen is the only Warlock allowed to eat popcorn with the Titans...he brought beer.
Edit 10 - It has been speculated that the 'squishy' floofy Warlocks are just pretending to be friends with the Titans just so they can use them as muscle against the Hunters.....the plot thickens
"Yes, that is a nice cloak, but I have a supercompressed supercollider on my arm. Can your cloak split quarks?"
PVP players vs PVE players
It's because titans are the only balanced class, so we argue against eachother a lot.
Well then ............... Let me get second breakfast XD
I'm a hunter fan boy but clearly warlocks are the superior class.
Edited by Artorias: 8/22/2015 6:19:25 AMWarlocks are to hitler As hunters are to Jews Illuminati confirmed? (No racism) As in saying basically the hunters are always getting picked on
Jealousy from hunters mainly. They like to be the center of attention. "But I wanna be the master race!"
Hunters are garbage. Titans FTW. I like to play my warlock to change things up. And yes I made a hunter, and hated it, thus I deleted him.
Warlocks are snobs
I main a warlock because I thought they were cool. Now I love playing on any character.
My problem with hunters is majority of them take no time to learn how to play support. Invisibility is your teams best friend. Sun singer warlocks don't take the time to learn that they are an ORB MACHINE with radiance. You can easily pop 8 orbs every time. Titans: keep up the good work
Warlocks taught the hunters blink, only fair the hunters should share there invisibility tech with warlocks.lol
Edited by Artorias: 8/22/2015 5:42:30 AMA hunter and a Titan walk into a bar, the hunter slips on the warlocks tampon, the hunter breaks the warlocks kneck
Warlocks have better grenades and they always seem to float above door ways when they see u coming on the radar.
Recently just seems all the hunters are just sensitive after being RAM-rodded a few to many times in crucible
Warlocks talk mad shit and can't back it up
Umm... Why is everyone taking about my order again? I mean... Everyone knows, WARLOCKS ARE BETTER!!! And I'm not biased... Just saying...
here it is, theres person A who mains a warlock and a person B who mains a hunter. they play, days pass, they decide to make an alt char. they both wonder "hmm people love hunters (or locks) a lot. lets see what the fuss is about" and then they finally JUMP. person A: " wtf is this dude i cant jump for shit, what is this??!!!! -blam!- hunters man, warlock all the way" person B : " whaa? wait wha ?? İ FELL?!! how the hell you control this ?? -blam!- locks man, hunter all the way" then the jokin insults here and there. titans were watchin all this with 3d glasses and a popcorn, in a bubble... (im a warlock main and yea i've been at that jump crap for a while till i got used to it. love all the classes. warlocks a bit more tho)
Edited by Firewing_SC8839: 7/16/2015 3:20:50 PMThere's a large wall in your path. What does each class do? Hunter- Scales the wall or goes around. Titan- Doesn't know the wall is there and walks on through. Warlock- Spends unnecessary time to figure out the best to neutralize the wall. Results: Titan usually come in first place with Hunter a very close second. Warlock... Where is he? Hunter: Oh, he's still on the other side. Titan: The other side of what?
Sexual frustration, inferiority complex.
I really like the cool kid and jealous nerd way of looking at it. Good shit OP good shit.
Have both a warlock and a hunter. No titan. Never will I have a titan. ever.
Been here since day I, have 2 Accts now w 6 guarduans. 3 of each on both. I still don't know the answer to this question.
Because warlocks and hunters are cool and exclude titans
There both ignorant