I'm cold and I am torn, lying naked on the floor......
'Cause I've got a blank space baby and I'll write your name ;)
Hmmmmm good song. My turn? [quote]did you see these scars, tryna get through this flesh Making its way to my heart Wanting to destroy what's left What you saw was hit the start of destruction at its best[/quote]
Strength/Faith builds are the best imo
Faith builds are meh anyway Dex stamina build Pyromancy as needed
I hope you feel better you can stroke my soft fur
How naked? ;)
I love that song.
Sometimes I hear this at work. Didn't know it was a cover. Why is everything a cover nowadays?
Sounds like the music my dumbass receptionist jams too all day at my job.
Like my girlfriend last night...
Illusion never fades into something real
Oh bebe
The original Ednaswap version sounds a little more raw. Natalie sounds a bit too teenagery, like she just got shot down by her crush.
You're a little late. I'm already torn....
Errybody walk da dineasaw?