Bungie, for the love of Crota get rid of this map on Control playlists. Burning Shrine and Asylum are at least playable but Anomaly just isn't working. It's a hectic mess of spawn, death, spawn, death, spawn, walk three feet, death, spawn, run down a hallway, death, spawn, begin capturing a point, death. It's the digital equivalent of arriving at a party only to realize that the host has a studio apartment with no seating, no place to set your drink down, and no escape from the guests that you dislike.
Until then...[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/f3a27291da665afb02b2516f0fd30459/tumblr_mi6l0wsXgK1ql5yr7o1_400.gif]THIS[/url]
Edited by GemCutter: 3/9/2015 4:47:04 AMNothing should be more important to them regarding maps on control than fixing blind watch. Most unbalanced map I've ever seen. They need to remove B from inside the building, put it outside somewhere, simple fix.