For all of you that take the game seriously in PvP, this is the "Gunskill" play type that we enable for a different and balanced feeling and wanna try something different
No Heavy
No Supers
No Pocket Infinity
No Final Round (Snipers Only)
No Thorn (DoT effect is banned)
No Invisibility effects
Blink is debatable (although usually not allowed, it's up to the players vote)
With setting these ground rules it keeps both teams against each other with essentially only weapons and grenades, so who ever has the better strategy and technique comes victorious.
What do y'all think?
Why do people think thorn is God mode in crucible I have rarely been killed by the DOT if a thorn user kills me he usually shot 3 shot straight to my head and is a skilled player for it noobs running around with thorn are a joke