I've decided recently to drop out of school altogether. Sure, people say that I need it for a "future" and school is "important" but I realized that school is taking precious time away from destiny, and what is a future anyway if it's not destiny.
Edit: added inspirational tag, thanks S 000 DeM
Edit: plz leave a liek n subscrebe
I hope you are joking if not please my sure to make your self infertile so the stupidity you carry does not get passed along to the next generation.
Do whatever you feel man. The sad thing about society is .. People think there's a fixed way to succeed in life, and the most common is to get a degree , get in a university or something.. But some people have succeeded doing whatever they want , even if it meant leaving school. Now this is a sensitive topic, I'm not saying I'm totally abolish the schools and the system it holds ( don't get me wrong learning something is helpful too ) but to just follow whatever you want .. Do what you feel you need to do.. Happiness over everything, that's what people keep getting wrong these days, they stress out about their " supposed goals " that they compromise their own happiness. To everyone here , don't bash OP, just wants to do what he wants, it's good he's got this moment of his life figured out. I'm all ears to what everyone has to say tho. Have a great day!
Way to keep your priorities on the right track, mate Brilliant
I agree. I'm thinking about it too honestly. That way, I'll always be ready for the weekly resets. Destiny is a way of life.
Stay in school to learn how to spell.
Edited by Simmer: 3/8/2015 8:40:24 PMBill Gates and Steve Jobs agree with your logic..... RIP Steve
I could always use another life long cart pusher, or perhaps a maintenance person, and by maintenance I mean toilet cleaner.
All you need to know is "Would you like fries with that?"
That really bad for you :(
Your choice
You forgot the #Satire
I quit my job to play destiny
Next president of the United Rooms of The Tower
I actually dropped out of school a long time ago; public school is bad for you.
Do what makes you happy
Nice do it
i wish more people would do this. it's a competitive world. better odds for me.
If this weren't a troll I would ask how you plan to keep a place to live, electricity, and internet.. All key components in playing destiny. All of which cost money. More than you can get working for minimum wage in most places in recent years.
You inspired me my good sir. (^_^) +1 for excellent bait. +5 for reeling it in.
CongratZ for f#cking up ur life, and willing to share bravo
This b8 is too gr8
Who cares
Become ledge bro
Gr8 b8 1008/8
Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
When you close one door 10 doors will be open now pick one