originally posted in:Destiny Ladies
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Come One Come Alll!
I have created a clan for all the Female Gamers out there who want to meet and game with other female gamers (Wooh) this Clan is for all the gaming platforms just search in groups for 'Destiny Ladies' and ask to join!
All the gaming platforms are running an active part of the Clan, so if you Join 'Destiny Ladies' will appear in your player bar proudly advertising you are one of us! Rahhh!
To request to join 'Our Band of Merry Women!' see below!
If you are searching on the App hit the icon on the home page in the top left hand corner (looks a bit like a credit card) then use the search icon (magnifying glass) and search 'Destiny Ladies' should show up in the group section (I chose the only pink pick available)
If your online just follow the link: [http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/493588]
We don't need a dick to have balls!
Are you looking for a ps4 clan focused on casual gaming and enjoying the game? Would you like help leveling up a new character? Then come check us out at https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/861262 we play daily mostly on strikes and raids. Beginners are always welcome here and as soon as we get up and established we've been discussing one night a week everyone working on a new character so they're not as hard to level. If you're looking for a mlg pro destiny clan this is NOT the clan for you. We focus on enjoying the game. The only requirement is to have a mic. Come check us out and help our clan get off the ground!