Personally this whole fiasco just reinforces my original assumption that share play shouldnt exist. To many kids on consoles and with everything being online these days...just a bad idea all around. I think sony should just discontinue the service. Its unfortunately one of those things that will always hurt more than it helps. Im sure it will just be a portal for similar things in the future.
Yeah, let's do away with shareplay. And cars. And carbohydrates. And water. They all kill people and we're obviously not smart enough to not get hurt and killed by them.
Those actually all serve a function. Share play does not.
Sorry people: we will be cancelling online interaction for everyone. Seems that some people take advantage of minors that arent supposed to be using these online services. So no twitter, no facebook, no forums, no internet. ... Seriously? We deactivate something because someone is too stupid/naive/young/innocent to use it properly?
Edited by zXShermanXz: 2/24/2015 12:43:15 PMI apologize. Apparently the overly politically correct society that we live in has warped my fragile little mind. I did not know that the share play feature was used so often or so important to some peoples lives. I have my other reasons for not liking the feature. I think it was a promising idea but as previoisly stated will mostly only be used to troll stupid people. Yes its only video game characters today but what if it is something worse tomorrow? The character deletion of an 11 year old was not the guys only offense either. I take no side on the issue. The kid got what he deserved but doesnt deserve all the hate people give him. The guy who did it is a douche bag with some issues he may want to consider seeing a psychiatrist about. My op was and still is strictly about my personal views on share play. Not the aforementioned issue.
Oh you right about that. The kid got what he deserved BUT does not deserve any hate or love for it. He screwed up, no need to punish him any more or to reward him for screwing up Kirmit on the other hand should be punished. He took advantage of someone (regardless of who it was). In fact, all I hear is about this kid, what about all the others that kirmit has wronged? Nobody cared about those... Punish kirmit for them too. This was BAD, mmmkay? And as for shareplay... its not useful to me but that doesnt mean it should be removed. Or at least it shouldnt be removed because some guys are tricking others into misusing it. Remember that Kirmit's deeds are nothing compared to what people already do in facebook and emails with phishing scams and stalking and bullying. You dont like it, fine... neither do I. You dont use it, fine... i cant find any use for it as well. You want it removed, thats ok, doesnt bother me. Remove it because some kid was tricked... uh no. Thats a bad precedent. Real life example: ps3's unix feature-> removed because it could be used to hack/exploit/pirate games with it. Look at the amount of people that complained (most of them never had used it nor cared about it). Because someone was misusing it some people had to stop using it (and there was some legitimate users, including the US that was using ps3s to build a super computer) [url=]Link to PS3 and Air Force super computer problem[/url]