How does it feel? I'm honestly very upset. Once it drops I won't be able to duo it with one friend now (or solo), we have to:
1) drag a horrible player through
2) deal with an afk player
3) ugh
What do you guys think? I want an optional no matchmaking button. Is it that hard?
Who cares if someone sucks or goes AFK? It won't matchmake if you have a full fireteam already. If you don't run with a full fireteam anyway, it makes no difference in what you normally do if they're AFK or suck. Sounds to me like you're just annoyed that someone might leech off of you, which makes zero difference in your game. So again, why do you care?
Don't worry...plenty of people will AFK and you'll end up doing it solo anyway. :(
As long as they leave nightfall alone, I'm happy
Just wipe and keep it moving like you did in the normal Strike playlist. Simple as that. If you get 2 AFKs and you keep soloing for ego reasons, that's your fault if they get the reward for your hard work. If you wanna solo some hard shit, do that on NF. prollum solved.
Deal with those who quit or wait till the other two get to the boss That's why I'm doing it with my personal fireteam
Then you'll be the only one left what's the problem just play
Serouly not a big deal.
Not a problem for me since I have friends to do the weeklies with. But just for shits and giggles, I'm gunna try a matchmaking game and try finding someone who's "AFKing" for free coins. Keep him waiting there until one of us gets disconnected lol :P
I agree this is what's going to happen. People Are going to join the weekly and not play because why do they have to? There's no reprucussions to being afk except for the occasional report but in the end they're still getting the credit for beating it. Which is a punch to the face to the people who weren't afk. We need a boot vote button
Guys chill the matchmaking system should work the same as roc, if yore 25 you get 25's and if youre 32 you get 32's or 31's Then again the afk .. Ugh ...
Just going to go back to orbit if I get stuck with any players under level 30
Why would you want to?
I won't be doing the weekly without a full fireteam from my clan/friends list anymore. I'm not dragging some lvl 27 through the activity and making it 30% longer than it needs to be. This is one of the worst decisions Bungie has ever made with this game. They need to get their heads straight.
If it's important to you, just afk at the beginning. If the other two don't quit, congrats. Free weekly. If they do, you get to solo it. And if you and a bud afk, the third will definitely leave. Problem solved.
Edited by xholeex: 2/20/2015 4:59:41 AMHow will this be an issue, if you normally solo i don't see how an additional person going to drag you down. Even if they are horrible at pve... If your not a team player, just don't revive them and they won't revive you. Afk players will be kicked after a while
Good thing I already have over a hundred strange coins saved up, that, and its not like xur sells anything useful anyway. So all this really means is I should just stop playing weekly heroic.
Never had a problem with AFK players. And if they are it's only for the briefest of moments, to which I never realized they where not playing. I'm am kind of sad I won't ever get to solo it again. But then again sometimes I just want an easy way to get strange coins quickly with out having to do it alone. Never had a problem with horrible players, except in the crucible where my team is filled with 12 year old airsofters and the other team is filled some special forces team that make me feel like destroying the planet.
I don't understand how they can't put in an option to do either one... shouldn't be that hard.
Afks omg I just remembered
There is a glitch you can do with the time and date to make it where your the only person, it works with all strikes.
Don't care. Dont have to worry about kicking NY friend for another friend l, and dont have to wait.
RIP feeling like a legendary guardian taking down Sepiks Prime or Rockets McDickface solo