I am gay. I am solemnly asking for all opinions. I don't care if your against gays or homosexuality, I just really want to hear all your opinions. My entire family is against gays because they are Christian so I'm pretty much screwed in life
Three types of gays/lesbians in my opinion: 1) Awesome people that are cool to be with and party with, and you know you can trust them with your life just like any other awesome person. 2) Drama queen/attention whores, who will be so annoyingly concerned about what gays/lesbians can or can't do or trying to define themselves solely based on their sexuality. These types also have the "you're with us 100% on everything or you're against us" attitude. 3) Unknown types. These are simply in the closet, or don't announce their sexuality via word, body language, or style choices. I only hate the second in my list because they're essentially the most annoying and retarded people ever.